About Diane
Diane is a screenwriter, teacher, speaker and former development executive (Vice President for director Sydney Pollack). A member of the WGA, her produced scripts include ONLY YOU, starring Robert Downey, Jr. and Marisa Tomei, and WHAT WOMEN WANT, starring Mel Gibson. Her original script for ONLY YOU sold for $1 million, and WHAT WOMEN WANT is the second highest grossing romantic comedy of all time (Box Office Mojo). In addition, both films have been remade in China featuring major Chinese stars. And WHAT WOMEN WANT has been remade by Paramount Pictures as WHAT MEN WANT, with Taraji Henson starring in the Mel Gibson role.
“Diane is the real deal.”
“Diane has a wealth of knowledge and experience, both as a screenwriter and in the development of scripts as Vice President for one of Hollywood’s best directors. She is smart, honest, and kind. We’re lucky to have her lend her considerable expertise to script consulting.”
“What Robert Downey Jr. said. Seriously, Diane Drake is so knowledgeable about the art of story and the details of films, but you already know that from seeing films based on the scripts she’s written. Her online class was the best writing class of any kind I’ve ever taken. I could not have enjoyed it more, except perhaps if it had been in person.”
5-Star Amazon Reviews:
“I wish I’d had this book in hand when I started writing years ago. I truly believe I’d be a better writer now if I had. Don’t miss it!”
“I’ve heard writers MANY times say, ‘I want to write a screenplay. Where do I start?’ START HERE. This is the book you want. Other screenwriting books are wonderful in their own rights (as I’ve read many others as well), but this book takes you from A to Z.”
“I’ve read plenty of screenwriting books in my day and this is arguably one of the very best. The author has some serious writing chops, having written not just one but two “million dollar” screenplays both of which went on to become bonafide Hollywood hits.”
“So happy I bought this book! I love how it goes from the big picture to detailed insight (including the nitty-gritty of the business). The author has a natural ability to teach/impart wisdom — I felt as if I was just having an enjoyable conversation with her about the approach to creating a memorable story.”
Diane's Films

What Women Want ©️ 2000, Paramount Pictures; Only You ©️ 1994, TriStar Pictures